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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Passing Travelers

The past few days, as you may already know, i have been traveling. And if you have ever backpacked, you know its a lot of fun. But the worst part is if you are trapped in a hotel room alone in an unknown city, where you know no one. I mean the first day of my trip to San Diego i was bored to my boots as i knew no one in the city and as such was tired from travels and even my friends at the hostel well. But someone, later on in my stay in San Diego, i managed to meet people and somehow get an insiders view of the city. Such meetings with locals and their sort of guided tours and hospitality are what makes ones travels more interesting and enriching. Thats what you take away from the trip, not the hotel room or stuff like that.

But interestingly, this week i had this unique opportunity to show someone around Stanford, who was like me a travelers. Ajay Jain was on a business cum book promotion trip to North America and since i had a window of time Monday afternoon - i agreed to show him around campus. It was a nice meeting with a mechanical engineer/MBA turned writer. I have always enjoyed writing and hence, i felt it was good to meet a writer first hand. He gifted me a copy of his book - Lets Connect - Using LinkedIn to get ahead at Work. In general, an exchange of ideas is all important and that is what happens at times like these.

I think traveling and hosting travelers are unique opportunities to build connections, learn, grow in thought and openness and in general - a welcome change from the mundane activities of life. Highly recommend either of those options!

1 comment:

Anupama said...

Been a while since this blog saw some activity...was good to read about your travels and I do agree with your views on travelling. Keep writing!